I was in complete awe capturing all the beautiful moments of Sonia and Abhay wedding.
3 Tips for Shooting Headshots
When I first started out as a photographer I was shooting a lot of headshots. I was doing some trade work with model agencies in Los Angeles with “Fresh Faces” and was able to practice my techniques on my husband. Over the years I’ve found my rhythm when it comes to taking a successful headshot. If this is something you’re struggling with, here are my top 3 tips!
Tip 1: (...)
3 Tips on How to Use Shadows in Your Photos
A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
As photographers we're all taught the beauty in a photograph is the lighting. While this is very true don't overlook the beauty of the shadows! Shadows can add excitement, create drama or accentuate details. Here are a few tips to add that extra oompf to your images!
Tip 1: Creates Drama