How I Edit My Wedding Dress Images (Lightroom Tutorial)

Hey there y’all!

In this video I go in depth with this Lightroom tutorial how I would go in and normally edit my favorite shot, the wedding dress silhouette!

If you are struggling with some editing in Lightroom, I totally get it! Lightroom can be crazy!

Follow me along the way an pick up on all the fun tips I share in this video.

Do you have any tips? Let (...)

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How to photograph a Wedding Dress

Hey y'all!

In this video I'll share with you how I nail my wedding dress shots, and adjust my camera settings to let in the appropriate amount of light to capture these gorgeous and very important images!

Your bride will just adore these perfect shots you'll capture of her dress!

Make sure to pick up on all the fun tips I share in this video.

Do you have any tips? (...)

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Social Media Branding

Hey ya'll knowing how to brand yourself online is so important to master in today's age! Learn how to brand yourself on social media through the video I share below.

Knowing how you want to express yourself and business while adding a personal touch engages authentic and genuine consumers to your goods and services.

I have 3 "E's" I want you to follow -- Engage, Entertain and Educate with and (...)

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Jana Williams Photography Tips on Preparing Couple for Engagement Sessions

Hey yall in this video I share with you how I prepare my couples for their upcoming engagement sessions! 


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Jana Williams

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