Friday Favorites: Anna Beck

I have found not only the prettiest handmade jewelry, but a brand that was created to make a difference. Anna Beck began out of love and deep appreciation for Bali, an island that is rooted in tradition and gratitude.

At Anna Beck traditional Balinese jewelry techniques are used by skilled artisans who create each piece by hand. Sometimes taking up to three days to make from start to finish. Made (...)

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Friday Favorites: Society6

I'm so excited to share with y'all this week's Friday Favorite, Society6!

I have been hard at work redecorating and rearranging our place, and I am so proud of how well everything is coming together.

I wanted to share with y'all this store called Society6, which is just an incredible contributor to the idea of paying artists!

Their about me section says,

"Society6 is home to hundreds of thousands (...)

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Friday Favorites: For the Furry

Okay y'all.. I know my past three Friday Favorites have all been related to fur babies, but I just can't help it! I gotta share these things with y'all.

My brides are just the coolest, because they're behind amazing businesses like For the Furry.

"Founded in 2018 by a duo of fashion-focused dog moms, For The Furry is a curated shop and lifestyle destination dedicated to the finer things (...)

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Friday Favorites: Bugsy Watercolor + Silhoupette

I just need to share with y'all another fur baby favorite. Our sweet Bugsy passed away in August of 2018, and he was just our world.

The extremely talented Cami Monet painted this watercolor portrait of our sweet boo boo and I just can't get enough it. So thankful and so sweet of her to send this over to us when I really needed it the most.

If you want (...)

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Friday Favorites: Two Tails Pet Company

Y'all, how cute are these dog tags sent over by Two Tails Pet Company?! "Finally, pet accessories that don’t compromise on style." and it's so true! I am truly obsessed!

The Loyal AF dog tag is probably my favorite and just looks too cute on little Theo! Two Tails Pet Company also offers free custom engraving on all ID tags and they support local animal shelters, check (...)

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Jana Williams

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