Friday Favorites: Society6

I'm so excited to share with y'all this week's Friday Favorite, Society6!

I have been hard at work redecorating and rearranging our place, and I am so proud of how well everything is coming together.

I wanted to share with y'all this store called Society6, which is just an incredible contributor to the idea of paying artists!

Their about me section says,

"Society6 is home to hundreds of thousands (...)

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July 4th Decor and Photo Tips from Me & ToneIt Up

Summertime is in full force and July 4th  is finally upon us!  For many of us, that means backyard bbq’s, beach days, baseball games or even an epic road trip up the coast.  However you are spending your Independence Day, remember it’s about creating memories with your loved ones! Katrina and Karena from ToneIt Up and I partnered to create a festive holiday guide for your holiday backyard (or beach) (...)

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Jana Williams

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