How to Take Better Pictures with Your iPhone!

I love taking photos with my iPhone and today I am sharing some tips on how I edit my iPhone pics.
It’s funny I get so touched when I am hiking Runyon Canyon or driving Mulholland Drive and see so many people taking selfies to asking other to take their picture.
It’s like they are so moved by what they are seeing they never want to forget it. They are grateful.
This may sound silly but I think that having a little camera with us has actually made us look for beauty more than we did before. I love social media. When used in the right way social media can be such a positive tool! Think about it, you are moved by this beautiful sunset and you snap a pic, you post it, a person sees that pic and is inspired to look up and take the sunset in too.
Anyway Here is a video I made on tips for taking better iPhone pics and editing your iPhone pics.
I am shooting new videos today and would love to here any feedback on videos you would like to see!
Stay Inspired!
Hi Jana, love you- you inspire me all the time! where is the video?
Hey love!
It is in the post when I say I uploaded an video HERE . Click on HERE but here is a link
Awesome pics. I am gonna add them to my favorite wallpapers folder.