Fitness Friday:How weights changed my arms fast!

Fitness Friday-how to get great arms-using weights to get cut arms-loose the arm flab-fitness blogger-jana williams-health and fitness tips-janafromalabama tips on fitness
I am heading up to Big Sure right after this post ( Instagram) so I didn’t have time to dig up the photo of myself that I saw last year that made me get serious about fitness and excercise. But I know the exact image and I will post it next week for sure so you can see the difference. Before I go into the list of reason weights are so good for you I want to tell you a little about my thoughts and experiences in weights in the past. I do have this before and after post if you wanna check it our here, but its not THE photo. I was the girl who had heard that if you lift heavy weights you will get bulky and that is not what I wanted so I would not go above 5 lbs. And then I was doing Tracey Anderson and I would dont go above 3 lbs. I carry a heavy camera around all day as well and still my arms were not getting cut in the back. So when I started tone it up combine with Barry;s Bootcamp a year ago I decided to surrender to the advice of the instructed and go with 8,12, and something 12 lb weights! I know it sounds crazy!

I will be posting short blogs of my favorite arm exercises on my Youtube channel very soon. I would love you feedback on them if you guys have time.  Keep reading to hear 3 reasons why weights are great for you!

Fitness Friday-how to get great arms-using weights to get cut arms-loose the arm flab-fitness blogger-jana williams-health and fitness tips-janafromalabama tips on fitness

Fitness Friday-how to get great arms-using weights to get cut arms-loose the arm flab-fitness blogger-jana williams-health and fitness tips-janafromalabama tips on fitness

Three reasons to incorporate weights into your workout:

  1. Gives your metabolism a boost – When you build muscle, you increase your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which means that at rest you will burn more calories. So, add weights to your regimen, and feel good knowing that all of your hard work will be paying off long after your workout is over. That will make you feel a lot less guilty on the nights you decide to park on the couch and binge on your favorite Netflix show.
  2. Builds endurance – Have you ever walked up a flight of stairs and felt like you’d just climbed Mount Everest when you got to the top? That’s because muscle is what gives you the strength to perform many basic daily activities. As you build muscle you’ll start to feel less weak and fatigued and more energetic.
  3. Improves mental health – There are so many physical benefits from building muscle, but what a lot of people don’t know is that there are a lot of mental benefits too. When you’re doing strength training exercises, endorphins are released that help improve your mood, manage stress, and improve concentration.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this latest Fitness Friday!

Stay Inspired!


Photos by Kara Coleen

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  1. Hi Jana,

    Great post….YES you really have to do weights to start seeing the results that you want. I used to be scared of heavier weights myself, and since changing my workouts to incorporate More weights and less cardio, my body is really changing for the better.

    Have an Awesome holiday weekend!

  2. Weight training or any other form of resistance training is great. It’s absolutely the best way to sculpt and tone your body. It’s a shame so many women shun away from it because they believe it makes them look bulky.

  3. Working out just a few times a week can go a long way to helping you not only fall asleep, but stay asleep throughout the night. In addition, you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed than if you were just sitting around all day. Just remember not to exercise too close to bedtime. If you do, that energized feeling you get after a workout may keep you from falling asleep for a while.

  4. Great! Thank you for posting. I’ve always been scared of heavy weights and since setting a workout for myself, I find my body changing for better.I am really happy for this.

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