Life is Brutifull : Brutal & Beautiful
I was just listing to this ted talk by Glendon Doyle and she used the word BRUTIFUL describing life. HA! brilliant isn't she? Its is so true This life is so Beautiful & so Brutal. It's all about what we choose to focus on. Sometimes we can't help it and the sadness, anger, disappointment, loneliness, all of these very common feelings just take over and that's ok. Forgive yourself and allow the feeling to pass then use your power to create or rather reveal the miracles that are waiting for you. Ya know even walking through Paris last week I was so moved and inspired in such a positive way but from time to time there were these thoughts of loneliness. When those feelings came in I would start silently blessing every person that walked by me. Paris is the city of love. By blessing those lovebirds holding hands I am going to bring more love into my life.
I think its important to transparent. Each day is a practice in being happy and practice in being present. Each and every one of us on this planet are connected by the fact that there is no day that goes by that we don't feel like this life is BRUTIFUL.
Stay Inspired!
Jana (more…)