Staying Inspired with Fashion

Fashion has always been an inspiration for my photography process. I'm so lucky to capture gorgeous lifestyles in these photographs. Fashion inspires me to capture that summer story within the photo, especially when referencing fashion photography. These fashion forward photos creatively prepare me for shooting especially when it comes to photographing that phenomenal wedding dress of the bride to be!

Click this video to see how I use fashion to (...)

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One simple photo tip that will make your pics more interesting!

photo tips, fashion blogger, denim.
Hey ya'll! do you see the little soft blur to eh left of this photo? If you look even closer you can see that I was using a flower petal in my left hand to cover up the black car that was in my shot! So the tip is when you are in a pinch like this or if you just want to create a more interesting photo put something in your foreground. Check out this video I shot I while ago explaining this tip in more detail.  Its an old video but its still a great tip! Stay Inspired Friends! Jana (more…)
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I Heart Mondays is all about this girl!

I heart mondays, fashion photography, jamie chung, what the ching, jana williams, jana williams photography, hollywood fashion photographer, laca museum,
 Happy I Heart Mondays y'all! I am just obsessed with Jamie Chung's style I get inspired every time we shoot.  She has this effortless cool chic thing going on and I totally dig it. On top of all that she has an amazing eye. Jamie suggested we shoot this look at LACMA.  When you think of the LACMA you think of the lamppost see here also here is a shoot from a while back I did with one of my favorite people on the planet Chriselle Lim at Lacma. Jamie wanted to do something different,  I LOVE that! Look at the full gallery to see the really cool space we used that is full of lines! Always looking for lines. Stair cases, palm tress, amazing ceilings.  I have said it so many times and I will say it again, I learn something new every single time I pick up my camera. I encourage you to shoot as often as possible and try something new every time:) Your feedback means more to me then you know I am so open to hearing your comments the photos. Seriously one of the ways I learn is posting a gallery on my Facebook page and seeing what photos in the gallery get the most likes. It's an awesome way for me to get feedback so THANK YOU! OH and the super cool fun fact is that Jamie is getting married this month and I am shooting the wedding!!!!! OMG!!! seriously could not be more excited! Stay Inspired ! Jana Photos edited with my preset available here (more…)
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Red lips and denim

Lauren Moshi Tee, One teaspoon Denim Skirt, Zara hees (similar here), KSSaturday clutch (similar here), RayBan Aviators, jamie chung, jana williams,, hollywood fashion blogger, hollywood fashion photographer
Jamie Chung is the essence of cool. Seriously like a super cool person. I think she expresses herself amazingly through her fashion. Classy yet edgy, total trendsetter and Sexy without trying. I love working with her. An artist who knows themselves is so fun to play with :) See outfit details below! I used my preset to edit these photos and because its fashion not weddings I made them more contrast and the shadows darker. Stay Inspired! Jana (more…)
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Jana Williams

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